
Saturday 31 October 2015

Rise Like The Break Of Dawn - Depression Antidote

This is a message to all those hopeless hearts that are on the brink of depression. To those hearts, that have hit rock bottom; physically, mentally, and even spiritually. To all those hearts that have forgotten what it feels like to taste the sweetness of Imaan. The hearts that are feeling so disconnected from their purpose of life and from their Lord. And to those hearts, which have become overwhelmed, weak and crippled. This is a message to tell you, there is a way out. There is hope for you.

There may come a time in your life, when your faith will dip. Sometimes that dip will be unexpected. You’re consistency in doing good deeds may drop; you may find yourself distracted by the materialistic pleasures of this world. Small issues may overwhelm you, you’re Salaah may begin to lack khushu’; you may even begin to feel abandoned. You won’t feel connected to the Qur’an; you will turn its pages, longing for answers, signs, just something, and anything to increase your self-worth. Memories of the past will come back to haunt you, and the fears of what the future holds, will encompass you; until you feel like you’re trapped between the four walls of anxiety, fear, sadness and worry, and you’re on the brink of giving up. You feel crushed. And there’s just no way out.

So many doubts enter your mind. To where should I escape? Has Allah abandoned me? I’m such a downtrodden human being, is there even an ounce of hope for me?

Surah Duha.

Every time I’ve come to a point in my life where I felt like I’ve hit rock bottom, there’s nothing that has helped me get back on my feet, more than reflecting on Surah Duha.

There was a time in the life of our beloved Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam), where revelation ceased for 6 months. No dreams. No Signs. No Ayahs. For 6 long months. The Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) began to get worried. Had Allah abandoned him? Had he done something to displease His Lord? So many thoughts began to occupy his mind. And just as he thought all was over, Allah revealed ayahs to comfort his heart. Imam Ahmad recorded from Jundub [ibn Abdullah] that he said, "The Prophet became ill, so he did not stand for prayer for a night or two. Then a woman came and said, `O Muhammad! I think that your devil has finally left you.' It was then that Allah revealed,

“By the morning brightness”

Dear broken heart, wake up. Wake up and see the sunshine. It’s not all doomsday. There is a beautiful light out there. Go see it. O Prophet of Allah, there is light in your darkness. This revelation soothed the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) just like the morning sun is soothing the eyes. And it will soothe your worried heart too.

“And [by] the night when it covers with darkness,”

In our times of hardship or anxiety, we often spend our nights overthinking rather than sleeping. Take it easy. The night is a covering and a comfort. Sleep. Take rest. Don’t let the fears and the worries snatch away your sleep. The stillness of the night is made so that you can relax physically and mentally.  So do so. Close your mind off those negative thoughts and rest. Your heart needs it.

“Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].”

Allah has not left you, O slave of Allah. Your caring Lord has not even lovingly abandon you. He’s waiting for you to turn back to Him. Rise up. Wipe away those tears and know that your Lord is with you. This is a test, will you choose to give up or rise, better and stronger? Choose to be the warrior.  

“And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].”

The hereafter here means, what’s going to come next, the next chapter, is most surely going to be better for you. What you’re going through now is hard, but what is next will be easy. And, the hereafter is also going to better for you that this worldly life. Your life next will be better and easier for you than the earlier part of your life. This tough part will pass. And in the hereafter awaits something better. So don’t give up. Victory will come.

“And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.”

Soon Allah will give you a great reward. Soon Allah will remove your hardship and grant you ease. Soon you will be happy. Soon Allah will give you Jannah. And then, you will be ultimately satisfied. Soon a victory will arise. Allah has promised this. But not right now, because right now you have to struggle for your mission and vision, but there will come a time when the fruits will be reaped and there will be triumph. Isn’t this the most beautiful thing to remind yourself when you feel bad in your heart?

“Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?”

Do you remember a point in your life where you felt all alone and He was there for you? When you were a little boy, or a little girl afraid of the dark? Or when you were going through an experience only He knew about? Didn’t He give you refuge? He took you out of layers of darkness into light and He will do so for you again. He give you refuge in your moments of danger.

“And He found you lost and guided [you],”

Weren’t we misguided before we became practicing? Didn’t Allah find you misguided and guided you to the sunlight of Islam. How can you gave up when you have the greatest treasure this world contains’ the treasure of Islam?

“And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.”

You were weak and poor, always dependent on the creation for your needs. But He made you grow and evolve and enriched you out of your bounty; making you strong and able and self-sufficient. He found you crushed under weight and made you free of need.

“So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].”

“And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].”

This is the anti-dote to depression. The best way to remove the feelings of being disconnected to Allah is through remembering those in far difficult situations to you. The orphan, do not oppress him; they have no one to look after them. You have family and friends! The beggar, he goes to sleep hungry everyday, yet Allah has given you plentiful provisions. So take your sadness and turn it into compassion. Give, care, love and have mercy. Give to the creation and the Creator will give to you.  

“And when it comes to the favor of your Master, then make mention of it.”

Finally, count your blessings. Remember the favors of Allah upon you. If He didn’t want good for you, why would He guide you to this knowledge to comfort you? If He didn’t want good for you, why would He continue to provide for you? His blessings surround you from above you and below you and all around. Chin up and smile. You have so much to be thankful for. The light will shine through. The ease will follow. Just keep holding on and don’t give up. Make the best of what you have. Leave the pain of the past behind you, and the future where it belongs. Rise up in the present. Stand up on your feet. Brush off the dust. And keep on walking.

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