
Sunday 22 February 2015

"Allah will guide you along the way." [Quotes & Gems]


Every person has the ability to stand up and make a change, but there's a prerequisite. And that is, that they must first change what is in THEMSELVES before they can go out there and change the world.

Where are the female scholars who dedicated their life to learning the Deen?

Where are those women who took upon the role of a mother, raising children who would be the next scholars of Islam?

Whatever your responsibility in life right now, whether you are a mother, sister, daughter or friend, YOU have the ability to make a difference, you have the ability to help others, you have the ability to spark a change.

Take that first step in doing good, and Allah will guide you along the way.


Most of the time, those things that don't just fall into your hands, are those things worth waiting for.


“The home (is a place) in which the husband lives in tranquility, safety and stability, and it is that which will reap fruits for this Ummah. The home (is a place) in which the children are raised correctly which will result in the rectification of the future generations..." - Sh Saalih Al Fawzaan

— [A Woman’s Guide to Raising a Family, page 40]


"With every praise ('Alhamdulilah'), are blessings to be increased."
For every sincere Alhamdulilah, for every heartfelt thanks, another blessing awaits you. Every time you thank Allah, another door of goodness opens for you and another gift is unwrapped for you.

That is the way of Allah, the way of Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative).


Woww. I don't know why, but learning this made me so happy! Maybe its because I love writing, and to know that every time I, or anyone else in the world writes down something and others benefit, then the Prophet Idris (as) is being rewarded for each letter. Its incredible when you think about it!
"Writing did not exist until Allah taught Idris (as) the gift of writing. He is the one who then taught people how to write; before then, the skill of writing was unknown to mankind." 


There isn't a treasure in this world like that of a righteous companion and righteous children who grow up to become the coolness of their parents eyes, as well as a coolness to the entire world.
"And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous."" (25:74)
May Allah grant us comfort and coolness from our spouses and children, ameen. 

Allah's plan is perfect. Sometimes when we're stuck in a challenging moment, in those passing seconds, we're unable to comprehend the beautiful wisdom hiding beneath it. But it's there... And one day it'll all begin to make sense, whether now or later, because He is the most perfect of Planners and He only decrees that which is good.


Fulfill your promises, uphold your duties, safeguard your friend's secrets, and honour your trusts - because only the honourable honour these silent oaths. - Fajr Blog

Respect is to 'have regard for someone's wishes, aspirations and rights, and to accept them for who they are.' If you come across people who respect you, hold onto them, because in an era where people could care less about honour and integrity, respect is as valuable as gold.


Father; a daughters first love. 
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"There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself." - John Gregory Brown (novelist)


You can read all the books in the world, come across millions of quotes, write as many reflections, but nothing compares to the words of Allah. Nothing.

The Qur'an gives the best hugs. 
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*Hugs: comfort, consolement, warmth and company.


"Some flowers grow best in the sun, others do well in the shade. Allah always knows what is the best for us, so He puts us where we grow the best.”

So wherever He plants you, be fruitful.


When you trust in Him, He will bless you in the most amazing, unexpected ways. A little Tawakkul will always get you far. 


"Society today tries to take the beauty away from the term mother and the term housewife. Mothers, wives (and all muslimahs) are trimtabbers. A trimtabber is the small rudder on the ship, which makes the bigger rudder on the ship turn, which makes the whole ship turn." 
- Sajid Ahmed Umar


If only people understood the weight of some words upon a fragile heart...

"Don't make promises you will never do. For some hearts build lives based on your promises."


We meet many different people in life. But not many will walk with you through it all. So when you find those who will, treasure them. - Mufti Menk


Even little things like walking in to your room and finding your swimming bag already packed and ready, becomes a reminder of a mothers unique mercy. She is someone who constantly seeks out ways to make life easier for her children.

May Allah bless our parents with heaps and heaps of goodness in this life and the next.


Do not be shy to raise your hands to the One who is Shy to return them empty...

My thoughts exactly.
"Educational systems teach how to make a living & not how to live. Invest in your kids creativity."


Dip your words in honey before you utter them and your speech will be a lot sweeter...
"...And speak to people good [words]." (2:83)


Never is a thing unreachable or a goal unattainable, when one has faith in Him and His command of, "Be! And it is."


This ayah, which otherwise makes a heart tremble, can also comfort it too. And only the Qur'an can do that. 

"And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror]." (14:42)


Allah doesn't expect perfection from us. He just expects for us to try our best. So if you can't hit the target, at least try to get close to it.


Friday 20 February 2015

Who is Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wasallam)?

At Tai'f, he bled for this ummahs victory,
Preaching the religion of Abraham, both private and publicly,
Never harsh, nor cruel nor abusive nor violent!
Rather, kindness, humility, and mercy were his qualities,

Streams of tears ran down his blessed face,

As he continued to repeat,
"My Ummah, My Ummah!"
صلى الله عليه و سلم 

It's at these moments in time, that I begin to really appreciate the blessing of social media. When it's used as a tool to spread peace and knowledge, it becomes one of the strongest means of giving Dawah.
If you were to just read a few of the ‪#‎WhoIsMuhammad‬ posts over on twitter... your eyes would fill with tears.
Here's one that I found extremely beautiful...
"He ﷺ rejected offers of wealth, power and elite status, and instead preferred humble lodgings and a bed of date-palm fibres." #WhoIsMuhammad

And a reminder will always benefit the believers. 
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Lessons From The Ant

Taken from:

It's amazing how much we can learn from one of the tiniest creations of Allah - the ant. 
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Whilst revising, came across notes about the ant, and how research has shown that it is able to communicate, command, order, take lead, provide solutions, and give explanations, as well as take care of those under its care.
What's even more amazing? All the above facts can be derived from this one ayah! The beauty and precision of the Qur'an. 
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"Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not." (27:18)

The Blessing Of Youth

We went to visit one of my father's sick relatives...
She was lying there, wrapped up in a warm blanket. Her hair was completely white, and was braided so prettily at the end. She was way over 90 years old, perhaps even in her hundereds. Not one tooth remained in her gums, and she was blind in one eye, yet could still open them both.
I stood there, silently reflecting on her state. How she couldn't speak, couldn't see from one eye, couldn't interact, couldn't move with ease... and had been that way for the past 12 years. Everyday her family cared for her, changed her, and gave her fluids to drink as she wasn't able to eat any solid foods. Even though she was so weak and feeble, beauty was apparent on her face, especially in her eyes. I began to imagine how beautiful she must have been in her youth. She would rub her eyes every few minutes, like it hurt to open them, and when we gave her Salaam, although she heard, she was unable to respond.
My younger siblings found her so adorable. And she was indeed. smile emoticon
I kissed her forehead and then left the place with a lump in my throat and tears prickling my eyes. I was extremely humbled. Seeing a person in such a state reminded me of the great blessing of health and of youth. The blessings of being able to speak, see, walk, move, eat, drink, change and interact so comfortably, and so easily.
It was such a beautiful, timely reminder. A reminder that me and my siblings needed. It awoke our hearts to the reality of this life, the blessing of our youth, and a huge reminder on being grateful for our many blessings.
As Allah says:
"Allah is the one who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after strength weakness and white hair. He creates what He wills, and He is the Knowing, the Competent." (30:54)
Today, she inspired us. Taught us to cherish our youth, to treasure each moment, and to always be grateful, for every blessing, big and small. May Allah love her as He loves His righteous slaves. heart emoticon

A Reflection from Surah Kahf...

50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, Allah decreed that Musa (as) would forget his fish, and that in doing so, he would meet Khidr (as) and thus learn from him lessons that people from that day onwards would benefit from. This is how Allah planned their meeting. Through an incident which Musa (as) initially thought was a loss.
In life, things will happen that we can't quite make sense of, or we can't see the reason behind. But we have to be reminded that there is always a greater wisdom behind it. There are always more pieces to the jigsaw; its all just a matter of trusting in Him, and His beautiful, divine plan. 

When Allah opens ways...

It used to be near to impossible to go shopping in Winters due to the prayer times being so close and the lack of prayer facilities...
That was until we came across a Muslim couple who owned a small little business in Kirgate Market. They were and still are, some of the most kindest/hospitable people I've had the pleasure to meet.
Every time I walk into there brick and brack market stall and ask them if I can pray, they never refuse. Even if they have to make place for me in the back store room, or kitchen (see picture!), they will. It's tight, small, with stacks of boxes and products, but still enough room to make sujood.
Looking at what they sell, you wouldn't think anyone would buy from there (honestly speaking, with primark being next door), but wallahi, I firmly believe that Allah has placed barakah in their business due to this beautiful act of kindness. smile emoticon
I can't help but make Duaa for them every time they give me permission to pray there.
May Allah place more barakah in their business and bless the infinitely in both worlds, ameen.

More thoughts, gems, quotes and advice.

Amongst the most beautiful things Allah has created, is the heart of a mother. And amongst the most beautiful things you can ever receive from her - in addition to her love, mercy, care and comfort... is her Du'aa.
The power of a mothers Du'aa for her child is incredible. Well and truly incredible.

الله يحفظك يا أمي ♡


Bakr ibn abd Allah (rahimullah) said: "The companions of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam) used to [play by] throwing watermelon rinds at each other, but when it was time for seriousness, they were [real] men."
[Related by Bukhari in his Adab al-Mufrad]


"A man takes his course and Allah guides his steps."
And even if the course takes longer than you expected... then know that He is teaching you patience. So keep going, keep praying, because good things come to those who wait.


The same thing that can be said in English, when said in Arabic, sounds and means something sooooo much more beautiful.
Take the word 'mother', for example. In English, a mother is a mother. But in Arabic, أم doesn't only mean 'mother.' It has so many more implications, such as a guide, a leader, a comforter. أم also stems from root words meaning, 'the beams of a building' or 'a beautiful gathering of stars.' The Arabs would call the flag in battles, 'the mother of war' - showing that mothers or ام, are part of your identity; of who you are.
Ahh it's crazy when you think about how far and deep you can go when exploring the Arabic language. Amazes me everytime.
"But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers." (3:150)
Nothing consoles your heart, more than hearing/reading a verse from the Qur'an, and instantly feeling like it's been personalised especially for you. For that moment and that time.


I come across many people in life, but no person inspires me more than the Haafidh/ah of the Qur'an. It's like Allah has placed this incredible and special love in my heart for them.
Wow. Imagine being *so* special to Allah because of your immesne love and dedication to His book and because His words are engraved in your heart and mind. The thought it gives me goosebumps.
May we all attain the special status of Ahlul Qur'an. May we crave it, and be amongst those who are raised in honour because of it.

Alhamdulilah for absolutely everything. His gifts are countless and His blessings, limitless.


"He knows everything. And He is the only One you can talk to about anything without being embarrassed."
So go on, pour your heart out and ask of His Favours.

"For there is no job in this world more precious than a mother,
No job in the world that results in higher wages,
Than to spend your sleepless nights and tiring days,

In raising the child of your better other."

Al-Wahhaab is the one who continues to give, give, and give more. Even when we continue to disobey Him, and even when we fail to recognise those blessings, He still gives. He is the one who provides for us from unimaginable and unthinkable sources. He not only gives, but He *gifts*, and that in itself reflects His unparalleled, consistent and unwavering love for His beloved slaves.
So wipe those tears away, and know that He knows even the silent thoughts of your heart. Trust in Him completely, and He will provide for you like He provides for the birds. They go out in the mornings seeking to in search of food, and come back with their stomachs filled.
ومن يتوكل علالله فهو حسبه
"And whoever puts His trust in Allah, He will suffice Him." (65:3)

"If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]..." (14:7)


The entire Qur'an is absolutely beautiful. It's like an ocean of gems. Each gem revealing an ocean of knowledge.
Then there's certain Surahs that instantly capture your heart; that are a gem within themselves. Amongst them, is Surah Imran.
Too beautiful. 
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May Allah make us of the people of the Qur'an, and may He increase us in friends who are also companions of the Qur'an, ameeeen.


"Indeed, it is by patience that you will attain what you wish for, and with taqwa (God-conciousness), iron and metal will bend for you."
This quote reminded me of the verse in the Qur'an, where Allah says: "O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham." [21:69] In other words, be patient. In both times of prosperity and adversity. Such is the affair of the believer, that Allah causes the laws of nature to change for him. The fire that should have burned Ibrahim (as), instead brought him such coolness and peace. Put your trust in Allah, have patience, and He will cause the earth to submit to you.


Rubaiy'iah bint Mu'awidh was amongst the many female companions who would train her children in 'Ibaadah from a very young age. She says that she would get together with other sahaabiyat, just to make toys out of wool for their children in order to encourage them to fast. She goes onto say, that whenever the children would fast, they would give them the toys so they would remain patient until the fast open
SubhanAllah, they would make toys from their own hands, just to train their children to worship Allah before they were even obligated to do so. May Allah be pleased with them and may they be pleased. 

Allah doesn't hasten, nor does He hurry. He is the One with the perfect timing - the Best of all Planners.


Take your parents as your best friends. They are the only people in your life who love you like no other, and who truly care about your well being, no matter how old you get.


*Believe* that miracles will happen. 
And they will. 

I often wonder, where would we be without His Mercy?
Indeed it calms the heart, fills it with hope, and allows one to stand up again, even after a slip or fall.


The beauty of putting your trust in Allah, is that you close your mind to every negative thought and expectation. You trust in His ultimate wisdom and knowledge - acknowledging that, whether He chooses to open the door for you, or leave it sealed, He will only do so for your benefit in this world and the next.
Set aside those fears, put your trust in Him, and watch His plan for you unfold.


"The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career."
- C.S Lewis

In other words, to be a homemaker is an honour not a burden. To all those sisters who stay at home, remember, you have the *ultimate* career, without people like you, there will be no Doctors, no Engineers, no Pilots, etc.
Its simple. It all begins at home. 
If there's one thing the Riyadh girls have taught me, and continue to each me; it is to always appreciate and value knowledge. In the UK, there is always some sort of halaqah/conference/seminar/forum going on, and you hear of them every single week. Its become so common and normal to attend a seminar or a class, with such ease and no travel issues.
Yet in Riyadh, the girls literally have one conference/seminar every year. Yes, one! They organise it themselves, sort venues, finances and everything. And I'm telling you, the tickets sell like hot-cakes! To the point, that they have to do the same conference, twice over for those who weren't able to attend the first time. This is because the girls there, are thirsty for knowledge! Its a rarity for them and so they value it.
I would love to attend a YMP conference as I know how much goes on behind the scenes, and how many people who attend, *truly* benefit. May Allah bless my deaaar sisters in Riyadh, grant them sincerity, accept their good deeds and allow them to continue to inspire and benefit others, ameen.
Value knowledge. Small or big. For there are many out there, who yearn for the opportunity to be able to sit in the gatherings of the righteous, and to seek knowledge of the deen. Wallahi, its a huge gift. 


Don't judge a person on their past. So much can change in such a short period of time. That same person who was careless, immature and unwise, may now be a mature, grown-up individual. That same person you knew who didn't fast in Ramadhan, didn't pray any of their salaah, and who committed every kind of evil sin, may today be a person more righteous, than even you. That same person who you found to be angry, bad-tempered and foul mouthed, may today surprise you with their eloquence, honesty and sweet words.
The only constant thing in life is change. People can change instantly. Looking back at my own life, I know how it took one Ramadhan, to transform me back to where I needed to be.
Be gentle with others. Don't judge them on their past. Perhaps they will outweigh any good you've ever done, and perhaps they will surprise you. Don't turn them away, instead, give them hope.
اللهم ثبت قلبي علي دينك 
May Allah keep our hearts firm upon the truth.
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He hit the nail on the head! Amazing article.
"The people who completely immerse themselves in the tiring, thankless, profoundly important job of raising children ought to be put on a pedestal. We ought to revere them and admire them like we admire rocket scientists and war heroes. These women are doing something beautiful and complicated and challenging and terrifying and painful and joyous and essential. Whatever they are doing, they ARE doing something, and our civilization DEPENDS on them doing it well. Who else can say such a thing? What other job carries with it such consequences?"

The generation of victory, what a fine generation they will be inshaAllah.

Thoughts, gems, quotes and advice.

When you make Du'aa for something, whether it's for marriage, a child, a job or anything else... live your life PREPARING for it to be answered. That's faith.

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Faith is what makes the impossible seem possible. And Allah is the Most Generous of Providers.


The mother of Zayd Ibn Thaabit would take her son to the Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in Madinah, and leave him there to learn from him. Whenever Zayd would memorise Qur'an, his mother would hold his hand and take him to Rasulullah and say: "Do you want to hear him recite?"

This is an example of the passion the Sahaabiyat had in instilling love for the Qur'an in the hearts of thier children from a very young age.


“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – The Alchemist
We sometimes forget that so much of the good things we have in our life, may be the direct result of someone's Du'aa. This is a huge gift from Allah."
So earning the Du'aa of your mother should be one of the priorities in your life.
Today is the day of Jumu'ah, it falls on one of the blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah, and on this day there is a time where a Du'aa is not rejected - so rush to repent to Allah and ask Him for your needs.

Whilst making Du'aa yourself, if your mother is alive, go to ask her and ask her to make Du'aa for you as well, for the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
"Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah swt), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler." [Tirmidhi]

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated in his Musnad the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her):
A woman used to go to Quraysh and make them laugh. She came to Madinah and stayed with a woman who also made people laugh. The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam) said: With whom is so-and-so staying? She said: With So and so, who makes people laugh. He said: “Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.”

The original version of this hadeeth is in al-Saheeh.
YMP, you all come to mind.

Giving the Qur'an a few minutes everyday is minor in comparison to what it will give back to you. 

"And if you ask about its vastness, then the lowest of its people would have within his kingdom and walls and palaces and gardens the distance that would be travelled in a thousand years." - Ibn Qayyim
May Allah grant us all Firdaus. 

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Letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you’re relieved. But how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it wasn't hurting you doesn't mean you didn't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It’s going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go. - Zakia Usmani

How Merciful is Allah. You make His love your greatest pleasure, and so He grants you the sweetness of faith, a portion of bounties in this world, and eternal happiness in the next.
How Generous is Allah. You thank Him with a heart filled with gratitude, and so He increases you in more gifts, even though your utterance of 'Alhamdulilah' was a gift within itself.
How Forgiving is Allah. You sin, and He reminds you to repent, so you do so, and so He forgives. But then you sin agin, a bigger sin, yet He reminds you to repent, and so you do so, and He forgives. And the more you do this, the more beloved you become to Him.

How Great is Allah, Glorified be He!
O Allah, make us pure in our love for You, and let attaining your love and pleasure, be our greatest aim in whatever we pursue in life, ameen.

Reminders like this put things back into perspective. Whatever path we choose to tread in life, whatever ambitions we aspire to reach, then we do so with this ultimate goal in mind.
"[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant, Looking at their Lord." [75:22-23]

Every woman is a potential mother. If you see her that way, you will respect her, care for her and protect her. For the status of a mother in Islam is a high status. Deserving of your love and care.

Sometimes, treasure is decreed for people - a blessing greater than they can imagine. But it's currently hidden from them, buried beneath stones and walls, because "...their Lord wished that they should attain an age of strength and extract their treasure, as a Mercy from your Lord..." [al-Kahf: 82]
Like the orphans of Surah al-Kahf, maybe you're just not ready for the treasure that's waiting for you. Maybe you need to become a little bit stronger first. - Fajr Blog
"They'll comfort you too, Mariam jo," he said. "You can summon them in your time of need, and they won't fail you. God's words will never betray you, my girl." -- A Thousand Splendid Suns
People tend to ask me, "I want to write, but how?!"
The best advice I can give anyone who wants to go into writing, whether as a profession or just as a hobbie, it would be, to write from your heart!

Whatever comes from the heart will touch the heart. And don't be afraid to make mistakes! I still make mistakes in my writing, major ones too, but you'll only be able to correct those mistakes, when they are there in front of you. So just write your heart out, do your best, and ask Allah to bless and guide your pen. As the days go by, you'll get better and better inshaAllah. 
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Suffering from a lack of motivation? - Remember Jannah!

Many of us have such a shallow understanding of Jannah. Other religions have a fuzzy image of it. Yet, in the Qur'an, Allah describes Jannah so elaborately and vividly, that it should make us want it, and thus work for it.
Imagine, all of kinds of roasted meat being served, not only chicken and duck - but meat you haven't tasted before! Imagine hanging out with your friends, chilling, dressing up, attending marriage parties. Drinks are being served whilst you chill under a gorgeous tree, where the branches desend and drops the fruit in the palm of your hand and goes back up. You just have to look at it and that is enough for you to place your order. 
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 Not to forget rivers of honey, milk and nutella (if you like), and the fact that Allah will initiate Salaam to you!
Yes - this is Jannah! Whenever you feel lazy, or suffer from lack of motivation, then listen or read about Jannah. It'll remind you of that which your supposed to be working towards, inshaAllah. May Allah make us all amongst its inhabitants!

Coolness Of The Eyes

Taken from

And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous." [25:74]
In this Du'aa, Allah uses the word وهب which comes from the root word هبا meaning 'gift.' So when we make this supplication, we're asking Allah to *gift* us with an unexpected and unimaginable gift. We are asking Allah to bestow upon us, from our spouses and children, 'the coolness of our eyes' (قرة أعين). In other words, we're asking Him to grant us so much happiness from our spouse and children, that they make us want to cry with joy.
And this is why the Du'aa is one of my favorite Du'aas in the Qur'an. Simply understanding this little bit of it, brings tears to the eye. May Allah gift us with so much happiness from our spouses, children and families, that it makes us want to cry out of joy and gratitude. 

We plan, but Allah is the Best of Planners

It all began with one simple question. At an Al Kauthar course. Tafseer Surah Yusuf to be precise. 
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"Sheikh, I'm wanting to study abroad, do you know how I can apply for such and such uni?"
And that's it. From then on, after I had got my answer, I was running around like a headless chicken, gathering all the necessary docs I needed, going for medical checks, ringing the embassy and other important people, sending countless emails to people for advice, frantically searching for accommodations online and gathering as much information about the uni as I possibly could.

All this... and then 2 years later I found out that I never got into the university of my dreams.

Yet, what brings a smile to my face, every single time I think about it, is that whilst I was whizzing around trying to sort things out, Allah had a better plan for me. Slowly, friendships was blossoming, slowly new people were entering my life, slowly I was changing as a person, slowly I was discovering inspirational individuals, slowly I was bring exposed a new country, new culture, and a new family.
And today, those friendships and those people mean more to me, and are more valuable to me, than if I was accepted into that uni. Its what makes all those months of hard work, ever so worth it.
Why am I telling you this?
Believe. No, truly believe that He has amazing things planned for you. No matter how complicated things may seem right now, everything is going according to His perfect plan. So trust Him, and be sincere in your intentions, for He will honestly give you so much more than you ask of Him. You may not get there one way, the way you preferred, but He has another way for you to get there, so keep clinging to the rope of hope, and keep on top of those Du'aas. (Reminder to myself first!)
It makes me smile when I think about the beautiful planning of Allah. والله خيرل ماكرين Truly.

"...But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [8:30]