
Saturday 31 October 2015

Rise Like The Break Of Dawn - Depression Antidote

This is a message to all those hopeless hearts that are on the brink of depression. To those hearts, that have hit rock bottom; physically, mentally, and even spiritually. To all those hearts that have forgotten what it feels like to taste the sweetness of Imaan. The hearts that are feeling so disconnected from their purpose of life and from their Lord. And to those hearts, which have become overwhelmed, weak and crippled. This is a message to tell you, there is a way out. There is hope for you.

There may come a time in your life, when your faith will dip. Sometimes that dip will be unexpected. You’re consistency in doing good deeds may drop; you may find yourself distracted by the materialistic pleasures of this world. Small issues may overwhelm you, you’re Salaah may begin to lack khushu’; you may even begin to feel abandoned. You won’t feel connected to the Qur’an; you will turn its pages, longing for answers, signs, just something, and anything to increase your self-worth. Memories of the past will come back to haunt you, and the fears of what the future holds, will encompass you; until you feel like you’re trapped between the four walls of anxiety, fear, sadness and worry, and you’re on the brink of giving up. You feel crushed. And there’s just no way out.

So many doubts enter your mind. To where should I escape? Has Allah abandoned me? I’m such a downtrodden human being, is there even an ounce of hope for me?

Surah Duha.

Every time I’ve come to a point in my life where I felt like I’ve hit rock bottom, there’s nothing that has helped me get back on my feet, more than reflecting on Surah Duha.

There was a time in the life of our beloved Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam), where revelation ceased for 6 months. No dreams. No Signs. No Ayahs. For 6 long months. The Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) began to get worried. Had Allah abandoned him? Had he done something to displease His Lord? So many thoughts began to occupy his mind. And just as he thought all was over, Allah revealed ayahs to comfort his heart. Imam Ahmad recorded from Jundub [ibn Abdullah] that he said, "The Prophet became ill, so he did not stand for prayer for a night or two. Then a woman came and said, `O Muhammad! I think that your devil has finally left you.' It was then that Allah revealed,

“By the morning brightness”

Dear broken heart, wake up. Wake up and see the sunshine. It’s not all doomsday. There is a beautiful light out there. Go see it. O Prophet of Allah, there is light in your darkness. This revelation soothed the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) just like the morning sun is soothing the eyes. And it will soothe your worried heart too.

“And [by] the night when it covers with darkness,”

In our times of hardship or anxiety, we often spend our nights overthinking rather than sleeping. Take it easy. The night is a covering and a comfort. Sleep. Take rest. Don’t let the fears and the worries snatch away your sleep. The stillness of the night is made so that you can relax physically and mentally.  So do so. Close your mind off those negative thoughts and rest. Your heart needs it.

“Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].”

Allah has not left you, O slave of Allah. Your caring Lord has not even lovingly abandon you. He’s waiting for you to turn back to Him. Rise up. Wipe away those tears and know that your Lord is with you. This is a test, will you choose to give up or rise, better and stronger? Choose to be the warrior.  

“And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].”

The hereafter here means, what’s going to come next, the next chapter, is most surely going to be better for you. What you’re going through now is hard, but what is next will be easy. And, the hereafter is also going to better for you that this worldly life. Your life next will be better and easier for you than the earlier part of your life. This tough part will pass. And in the hereafter awaits something better. So don’t give up. Victory will come.

“And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.”

Soon Allah will give you a great reward. Soon Allah will remove your hardship and grant you ease. Soon you will be happy. Soon Allah will give you Jannah. And then, you will be ultimately satisfied. Soon a victory will arise. Allah has promised this. But not right now, because right now you have to struggle for your mission and vision, but there will come a time when the fruits will be reaped and there will be triumph. Isn’t this the most beautiful thing to remind yourself when you feel bad in your heart?

“Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?”

Do you remember a point in your life where you felt all alone and He was there for you? When you were a little boy, or a little girl afraid of the dark? Or when you were going through an experience only He knew about? Didn’t He give you refuge? He took you out of layers of darkness into light and He will do so for you again. He give you refuge in your moments of danger.

“And He found you lost and guided [you],”

Weren’t we misguided before we became practicing? Didn’t Allah find you misguided and guided you to the sunlight of Islam. How can you gave up when you have the greatest treasure this world contains’ the treasure of Islam?

“And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.”

You were weak and poor, always dependent on the creation for your needs. But He made you grow and evolve and enriched you out of your bounty; making you strong and able and self-sufficient. He found you crushed under weight and made you free of need.

“So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].”

“And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].”

This is the anti-dote to depression. The best way to remove the feelings of being disconnected to Allah is through remembering those in far difficult situations to you. The orphan, do not oppress him; they have no one to look after them. You have family and friends! The beggar, he goes to sleep hungry everyday, yet Allah has given you plentiful provisions. So take your sadness and turn it into compassion. Give, care, love and have mercy. Give to the creation and the Creator will give to you.  

“And when it comes to the favor of your Master, then make mention of it.”

Finally, count your blessings. Remember the favors of Allah upon you. If He didn’t want good for you, why would He guide you to this knowledge to comfort you? If He didn’t want good for you, why would He continue to provide for you? His blessings surround you from above you and below you and all around. Chin up and smile. You have so much to be thankful for. The light will shine through. The ease will follow. Just keep holding on and don’t give up. Make the best of what you have. Leave the pain of the past behind you, and the future where it belongs. Rise up in the present. Stand up on your feet. Brush off the dust. And keep on walking.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Embracing Your Sensitivity

Sensitive people long to be understood for their sensitivity. For a long time I never felt understood. I didn't understand why I felt things so deeply. Why, something so small in the sight of others, would be seen as something so huge in my eyes. Why, I saw beyond the surface, things that others couldn't see. For a long time, I lacked in confidence because I felt my sensitivity made me weak and vulnerable. It made me 'moody', sad, melancholic - far too much for other peoples liking. Sometimes, I would hate myself for it. For the tears that would fall from my eyes, again far too much for people's liking. So I kept my sensitivity hidden. It made me feel far from beautiful; it made me different.

That was until I found Islam. Islam helped me understand that, my sensitivity was both a gift and a test from Allah. A gift, because it helped me connect with Allah. I took my ability to feel things deeply and began to deeply try to understand the meaning behind His words. It strengthen my connection with His book. I took my ability to break so quickly as an opportunity to help other broken souls. It strengthened my relationship with His creation. I took my feelings of sadness and turned it into compassion. It helped me be more considerate of others feelings. I took my weak moments and channelled them through way of Du'aa. It strengthen my relationship with Him. Slowly, as I began to understand that this was the way I was, I began to accept who I was. When I began to learn that, every person is unique and Allah created everyone in different shapes, forms and with different personalities, I began to embrace who I was. Embrace my identity, my beliefs about life, it helped me set a vision, a vision whom only a few truly understand. I was also introduced to other sensitive souls, with fragile hearts, and it reminded me, that I'm not alone. There are more people like us.

But the biggest lesson I learnt and continuing to learn from struggling with sensitivity, is to always be you, be beautiful. It is also the reason why I titled my book with this same phrase; it's because, accepting who we are, will remind us that we are beautiful. Maybe not to everyone, but definitely to Allah. We must take our supposedly weak traits and turn them into strengths by allowing them to strengthen our relationship with the Creator and the creation.

They should direct us back to Him. 

It may not even be sensitivity that you struggle with, it may that your struggle with the opposite. You struggle to feel things so deeply. But that's okay. Learning to embrace who you are is the first step, making the necessary changes within that will help you become better, is the second step.

Sensitivity is not a weakness. It's a gift and it's also your test. Learn to use it to better yourself and to honour those around you, to serve His cause and to grow closer to Him, and it can become one of your greatest, most valuable strengths.

Recent Ponderings

Even the most wilted flower has a chance of blossoming again.


Everything within its timing is beautiful. And everything that He has planned for you, He has planned with perfect precision and knowledge. Every experience, every accomplishment, every struggle, every new encounter, every interaction is part of your unique life story. Treasure every page, every chapter, every person that you meet, every opportunity that arises and every challenge that comes your way. All of it is a gift from Allah and provisions to draw us closer to Him.


Don't become impatient in your Du'aa. Don't tire in lifting your hands to Allah. Perhaps Allah loves to hear your voice, perhaps He will grant you soon, and perhaps He has already answered. Just don't give up. He knows, and He will give. His delays are not His denials. ‪#‎Du‬'aa


Dream big but Du'aa bigger. What we want to achieve can't be achieved without the assistance and help of our Maker. It's the fuel that will drive our dreams forward and will remind us, that with Al-Qadir, anything is possible.


Every experience has its purpose.


Baby steps

To big dreams
And big dreams 
Of baby steps


They were real men. And what made them real was not their outward appearance, their attire, or how they displayed their physical strength. It was their intellect, their character, their service and love towards their womenfolk and families, their supression of desires and anger and their strong willpower. It was these qualities that made them role models for us - both men and women. And it's these qualities that we need to revive in order to spark a positive change in this crumbling Ummah. If we want to see a change in the world, we must begin by first changing what's within our ownselves. 


Time is our most precious commodity. As we enter a new year, we must remind ourselves, that all mankind is at loss, *except* those who do righteous good deeds and invite others towards goodness. Be the exception. Reflect over your year. Write down new goals. Turn a new leaf. Take hold of your time, for life is but moments and when one moment passes, a part of us passes with it.


Du'aa comforts the heart, extinguishes worries, reignites feelings of hope and is the perfect fuel for our dreams.

Du'aa truly is a precious, timeless gift.


“The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”
-W.R. Wallace


When you sacrifice something for the sake of Allah, at that moment, it may be difficult, but have faith that the fruits of your sacrifice will one day blossom, and that the reward you will receive will be better than you ever imagined, in both this world and in the next.


The more bitter the struggle, the sweeter the feeling of ease. The harder the sacrifice, the greater the reward. So hold on. Because after all patience, beautiful things await.


Your heart needs frequent exposure to the words of Allah, just as a flower needs nutrients to grow. So recite, until your heart has neen moved by it's words, until the emptiness you feel has been filled, until the certainty in it has pushed away your many doubts, and until your eyes have been washed with tears, removing your sins and allowing you to see clearly again. Melt in the miraculous beauty of the Qur'an and regain your sense of peace.


Du'aa can travel any distance. And no distance is too far when you can hold a place in each others Du'aa.


Keep praying, even if what you wish, hasn't yet been granted. And keep praying, even after He's granted you what you wish.


In your moments of weakness, make the Qur'an a source from which you regain hope and strength.


There's always so much to be grateful for. So many beautiful moments to reflect back on and present moments to value and hold close. Alhamdulilah for His bounties that are limitless and for His generosity that knows no bounds.‪#‎Shukr‬


قليل دائم خير من كثير متقطع
"A little trickle that is constant is better than a strong gush that is inconsistently flowing."


The most beautiful thing about the story of Yusuf is how inclusive it is. Perhaps it's the best of all stories because it resonates with so many of our challenges, struggles and daily tests, in some way. So when we reflect upon it, we are consoled, comforted and reminded;
that the truth always prevails, 
that contentment is an everlasting treasure, 
and that if patience is arduous and bitter, then the results will be rewarding and sweet.

So remain patient, with a beautiful patience.


Prophet Ya'qoob (Jacob), may Allaah exalt his mention, lost both his sons and both his eyes, and Allaah brought all of this back to him as a lesson for us to be patient, and also that Allaah responds to supplications even if after a long while; and a righteous son is dearer than the eye to the person and more precious.  - Sh Muhammad al-Munajjid


You don't always need to say something. He knows your hearts calls even when your unable to articulate them in words. Just turn to Him, and He will turn you to that, which is best for you.
"We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased." (2:144)


Ibn Uyayna said: When I turned 15 my father said to me, "The ties of childhood are now undone, so follow good and you'll be from its people." So I made that a qibla that I always directed myself towards, never away from it.


He is always giving. That kind word, that beautiful, surprise gift, that favour from the Creation, and the plentiful food on our tables, is all a reminder of the supreme Generosity of the Creator Himself.
How different would the world be if we didn't underestimate the power of those small, random acts of kindness? If we truly lived with the Name of Allah, Al-Karim (the Most Generous)?


The lessons you learn from your experiences today will equip you, prepare you and strengthen you to deal with the experiences you will face tomorrow.


They say, what cannot be said, is wept. But how comforting is it knowing He understands even those unspoken words? He knows the reason behind every tear, He is aware of every thought that you're unable to articulate in words. He knows, He is near, He has heard your call and He *will* respond.‪#‎Duaa‬


The climb is never easy. 
There are moments when you feel like giving up. 
Moments where you stop in your tracks; your hijab is disheveled, your eyes are tired. You feel weak, thirsty, hot, and are gasping for breath.

But, when you finally make it to the top and gaze at the breathtaking view; from the scenic blue sky, to the glorious green land, and you truly take in the amazing work of Al-Khaliq; every single moment becomes worth it.
Because, the steeper the climb, the better the view. Keep going... The wait, the struggles and every single moment towards achieving your dreams will most definitely be worth it. 


"Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the stars and the mountains above. Let them look at the waters and the trees and flowers on Earth. Then they will begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education." - David Polis

The Power of Du'aa

I remember last year, Hajj time, I was sitting at home watching live transmission to Arafah. An absolutely breathtaking sight. I wanted to be there so badly. I hadn't ever been to Makkah or Madinah and my heart was yearning to go. I was looking at the screen constantly making Du'aa that I could one day, soon stand on the plain of Arafah, just like those millions of people in front of me were doing.
I also decided to email the Islam Channel team and ask them to spare me a Du'aa that Allah calls me to His house. I believe they made Du'aa for me.
I knew a couple of people who were also going and told them to make the same Du'aa for me. One of them text me whilst in Makkah saying "Already made (Du'aa), and I'm not just saying it, Alhamdulilah Allah made me remember you by name."
That was last year. In the period betwenn Hajj 2012 and Hajj 2013, my Du'aa was answered. I was able to perform Umrah, visit Arafah and visit the blessed lands of Madinah, Alhamd Wa Shukr Lilah. All those prayers I were making became a reality. I never thought it would be this year. Everything happened so quickly. I guess that's what made my trip extra special. Five years of constant Du'aa, yearning and longing, and then in the blink of an eye, there I was standing just inches away from the Ka'abah.
Why do I share this?
1) Never underestimate the power of Du'aa. I myself was making sincere Du'aa day and night, for 5 years I was making this one Du'aa sincerely from my heart hoping Allah would answer. Similarly, Allah inspired people I knew who were on Hajj to remember me by name. For me, that is indeed such a huge blessing. And what is so amazing is that I don't know who's Du'aa it was that Allah answered.

2) Don't give up. Always have your eyes on the goal and keep begging Allah. And I mean begging. He can grant you anything, just ask for it.
3) Anyone going for Hajj - remember me in your Du'aas. I ask Allah to accept your Hajj and all your prayers! Make Du'aa He decrees for me many Umrah and Hajj in my lifetime!

In Silence & Solitude

Many of the Prophets spent time alone; in silence and solitude. Yusuf (as) spent years as a prisoner before he became a minister of Egypt. The Prophet (s) would spend days in the Cave of Hira; simply contemplating and reflecting over the struggles of his society before he was granted Prophethood. Yunus (as) had to endure the darkness of a whales belly before he returned to his people; stronger in his vision and mission.
Maybe Allah is preparing you for your mission. Through your hardships, through your struggles, and in your moments alone. Take them as opportunities to learn, to experience, to think, to contemplate; for they are all moments that will shape who you become and that will breathe life into your greater pursuit and vision.
To the catapillar, the chrysalis is but a period of darkness and struggle, yet if it hadn't experienced those moments alone, how then would it have blossomed into a beautiful butterfly and brought more colour and smiles to our world?

Du'aa: A Timeless Gift

One of my occasional pastimes, is to go through old gifts and cards I received in the past. I find that, taking a trip down memory lane, and recalling beautiful moments only increases that feeling of gratitude and appreciation for His many blessings and bounties.
Every time I do this, I'm reminded of a few things. That it's never about the size of the gift, it's the thought that really counts. It's never about what was given, it's about the sentiment. I'm reminded, that words are powerful and can have such a great impact, even years down the line, and that the most beautiful, valuable and lasting gift anyone has ever given to me; is a sincere, heartfelt Du'aa straight from the heart - that they also happened to got down on paper. There is simply nothing that makes my heart smile more than it! How beautiful is it that a person mentions your name to Allah, and asks the Most Generous to give you that which they can possibly not? :) 

We Are Our Parents' Legacy

Our parents have done much for us, much more than we even know. We'll never able to repay them for all they do and have done for us. Yet, it's beautiful how, simply by being good people and spreading goodness in the world, we are in a way, giving thanks. By carrying on their legacies, and by watering the seeds they planted within us, we are expressing our gratitude and appreciation.
And so the believers say:

رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي
"My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. " (46:15)

You could be a means of your parents paradise being made more beautiful, if you begin to glitter the world with all the good they taught you. ‪#‎Parents‬

Taken from:

How Our Personality Impacts Our Health

I recently covered a module on how our personality impact our health. One thing I found particularly interesting was learning that those who give to others and in the process forget to give to themselves, are often those who fall ill more often. Those who suppress or deny their feelings for example, confuse their own immune system, thus causing it to attack it self rather than defend it.
And so it made me think...

- We should love to give to others, and be at the foremost of giving, however, we cannot give to others if we are not giving to ourselves. We should beware of losing the path whilst guiding others.

- Our character, personality and how we view things that happen in our life greatly impact our health and shape who we become. A positive attitude is always the way to go!
- We all need a shoulder to cry on and someone to open up to. Suppressing emotions, thoughts or feelings may feel like the right thing to do when you feel no one will understand, but there will always be some who does, and if you *still* feel like no one will get it, remember His doors are always wide open, He is always ready to hear your thoughts, so don't bottle up; ask and the response is sure to follow.

Patience: A Bittersweet Reality

We live today in a world full of haste.
We rush tasks because we simply want to get them done and dusted.
We expect instant replies, prefer instant food.
When we want something, we want it now.
We forget His delays or not His denials.
We chase after our dreams but forget to live in the present moments.
We no longer slow down to take in the sight of the towering trees or of the azure sky above us.
We no longer take the time to listen to the birds chirping before sunrise.
We'd much rather read tips that provide quick fixes to our solutions, rather than read thick books, which provide longer-lasting ideas and solution.
And we miss out on so much when we do so.
No wonder patience is such a noble trait. No wonder its rewards are beyond our scope. Because although its bitter, its fruits are sweet. Although it takes time, with Sabr, you begin to appreciate both the journey and the end goal, and so the benefits are greater. With Sabr, you not only get through the highs and lows of life, but you make your Jannah even more beautiful in the process. With Sabr, you slow down, you become mindful, appreciative of the small details of life and thus you become more grateful.
Sabr, though difficult, is always worth it. If only we slowed down a little. If only we remembered that whoever follows patience, success will follow them.

Ashura: A Reflection

There is always a reason behind every experience we go through. Though, sometimes the reason is not always so obvious. Sometimes, Allah makes clear to us the wisdom, and at other times, He keeps it hidden. The search for answers pushes us to our knees, into Sujood, a place where we can ask, plea, and be understood. Or it forces us to pick up the Qur'an, to be comforted by stories such as, the story of Ummi Musa who was inspired to leave her child in the middle of a river, not knowing if he'd survive, or the story of Musa (as) when he was hesitant is striking a staff not knowing if it'd split the sea, or the journey of Musa and Khidr where answers were sought and discovered after periods of doubt and uncertainty, to the situation of Maryam (as), of not knowing for what purpose she was carrying a child.

Accept that sometimes you won't know, sometimes you wont understand why, because the wisdom is like a hidden treasure buried deep beneath the surface of struggle, but the treasure will be discovered, and the purpose will unveil itself, if not now then later, and if not in this world, then it will, most surely, in the next.


In order to heal, you have to be broken.
In order to learn, you have to be taught.
In order to be granted ease you have to go through hardship.

Life teaches you that no matter how smooth the road is now, you will at some point stumble along the way, that your situation *will* change, regardless of how tight your holding onto something or someone. Either they will leave or you will. No matter how many tears you have shed, those eyes will dry. No matter how attached you are, you will have to feel the pain of separation.
That’s because the only constant thing in life is, change. The purpose of this world was to test you. To makes you stronger. There is no progress if everything was always the same. Just like in a game, the levels get harder, the game gets dangerous and more difficult but *eventually* there’s always an end to get to. That end for us, is not in this world, it is the next. If we seek it in this life then we’re seeking something that is impossible to obtain. We are seeking a destination where we will never grow old, where we are always happy, and where life is perfect, however, that perfection is only sought in Jannah, not in this fleeting world.
Jannah…a place wherein there is no toil, no pain of having to leave, no heartache and no heart break, because then there is no end. Just eternal life of bliss. So keep travelling on this road, and combat the hurdles that obstruct you on your path, because there is an end, and that end is reachable *only* if you keep heading the right way.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Invisible Wounds

One day I stopped
To ask myself a question
A question, for which
I desperately needed an answer
I asked
How does one bandage an emotional wound?
The sort of wound that can’t be seen
By the human eye
A wound that feels
As though
Someone pierced an arrow through
The heart
A pain that
No one else can see
There’s no cut
No scar
No even a graze in sight
No blood
No evidence that it exists
But its there

And so I asked myself
How does one bandage an emotional wound?

It’s a pain
That affects the most sensitive part
Of the human creation
The most delicate organ
Which if is sound
The whole body is sound

Imagine dropping a glass
And watching it shatter into
Tiny, small pieces
That glass
Is our broken heart

So how does one bandage an emotional wound?

It is through
our self-worth
our identity
our wounds
with sincere Duaas
Finding peace
In His remembrance
Swimming to the surface
When we’re about to
And holding on
Amidst the rocky waves

Emotional wounds are sometimes
Our deepest wounds
But the greater the gash
The greater the fill
With the love of Allah
Whose love heals
And rebuilds
Our fragile, broken hearts

Taken from: