
Sunday 25 October 2015

Patience: A Bittersweet Reality

We live today in a world full of haste.
We rush tasks because we simply want to get them done and dusted.
We expect instant replies, prefer instant food.
When we want something, we want it now.
We forget His delays or not His denials.
We chase after our dreams but forget to live in the present moments.
We no longer slow down to take in the sight of the towering trees or of the azure sky above us.
We no longer take the time to listen to the birds chirping before sunrise.
We'd much rather read tips that provide quick fixes to our solutions, rather than read thick books, which provide longer-lasting ideas and solution.
And we miss out on so much when we do so.
No wonder patience is such a noble trait. No wonder its rewards are beyond our scope. Because although its bitter, its fruits are sweet. Although it takes time, with Sabr, you begin to appreciate both the journey and the end goal, and so the benefits are greater. With Sabr, you not only get through the highs and lows of life, but you make your Jannah even more beautiful in the process. With Sabr, you slow down, you become mindful, appreciative of the small details of life and thus you become more grateful.
Sabr, though difficult, is always worth it. If only we slowed down a little. If only we remembered that whoever follows patience, success will follow them.

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