
Sunday 25 October 2015

The Power of Du'aa

I remember last year, Hajj time, I was sitting at home watching live transmission to Arafah. An absolutely breathtaking sight. I wanted to be there so badly. I hadn't ever been to Makkah or Madinah and my heart was yearning to go. I was looking at the screen constantly making Du'aa that I could one day, soon stand on the plain of Arafah, just like those millions of people in front of me were doing.
I also decided to email the Islam Channel team and ask them to spare me a Du'aa that Allah calls me to His house. I believe they made Du'aa for me.
I knew a couple of people who were also going and told them to make the same Du'aa for me. One of them text me whilst in Makkah saying "Already made (Du'aa), and I'm not just saying it, Alhamdulilah Allah made me remember you by name."
That was last year. In the period betwenn Hajj 2012 and Hajj 2013, my Du'aa was answered. I was able to perform Umrah, visit Arafah and visit the blessed lands of Madinah, Alhamd Wa Shukr Lilah. All those prayers I were making became a reality. I never thought it would be this year. Everything happened so quickly. I guess that's what made my trip extra special. Five years of constant Du'aa, yearning and longing, and then in the blink of an eye, there I was standing just inches away from the Ka'abah.
Why do I share this?
1) Never underestimate the power of Du'aa. I myself was making sincere Du'aa day and night, for 5 years I was making this one Du'aa sincerely from my heart hoping Allah would answer. Similarly, Allah inspired people I knew who were on Hajj to remember me by name. For me, that is indeed such a huge blessing. And what is so amazing is that I don't know who's Du'aa it was that Allah answered.

2) Don't give up. Always have your eyes on the goal and keep begging Allah. And I mean begging. He can grant you anything, just ask for it.
3) Anyone going for Hajj - remember me in your Du'aas. I ask Allah to accept your Hajj and all your prayers! Make Du'aa He decrees for me many Umrah and Hajj in my lifetime!

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