
Saturday 3 October 2015

My Cave [Poem]

They ask me, "So what is this cave you speak of?"
In my head a dozen thoughts enter,
Explanations to this question, which cannot possibly have just one answer.
My cave, I think to myself,
Is a world into my dreams -
And disappointments too.
Sometimes, it accompanies me to dinner parties,
You know, that blank gaze into thin air, you happen to notice?
Yes, that's just a moment I had to step into my cave for a bit.
You see,
It's so messy sometimes, so many thoughts everywhere,
So I have to search under my mattress of goals,
Step over the piles of worries that sit near my chest of dreams,
Clear out the wardrobe of fears,
Dust away those specks of sadness,
Dry the tiny droplets of tears,
That somehow, always make their way in,
Maybe due to the broken roof?
After all, it is a cave.
Most of the time, I resort to my cave when I'm drained,
After a day of babbling with adorable babies,
After chit-chatting with my siblings,
Sometimes I will resort to my cave,
When I need to recharge my batteries,
Or quench my thirst for knowledge,
And my deep hunger for soul food.
Oh yes,
My cave feels empty without another understanding soul,
Someone who can dry the tiny droplets of tears,
Fix that broken roof,
Its always breaking; tiny cracks everywhere,
Or surprise me with a bigger chest of dreams,
After all, isn't a good companion better than none at all?
And sometimes,
I simply love to bask in the sweet moments of solitude,
Where it's just me and Him.
And my thoughts,
And my pen,
I love to watch the ink absorb into the paper,
Tiny swirls,
And lots of scruffy letters,
Its like the ink breathes life,
Into those millions of contemplations.

Sometimes it just me and the words of my Lord,
Which brings colour and hope to my cave,
My life,
And my whole world.
So no,
It's not that I'm boring, or dislike being around -
The human creation,
I'm human too, (I assure you).
My cave is just a window into the world of my thoughts,
Please don't mind when the window is blurry,
Sometimes you can see clearly,
Only when your inside.
But in short,
My cave...
Is a place I can dream a new dream,
Rekindle my hope,
And organise my many thoughts,
So I can return,
And clearer in my sight, my vision,
And my understanding,
Than before.

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