
Sunday 26 April 2015

The Limitless Dreamers

Today I met someone who inspired me beyond words.

She is a Qu'ran teacher, a student of knowledge, an aspiring haafidha, and a mother of five beautiful children; the youngest only a baby. I had heard lots about her before I was blessed to meet with her. About her amazing style of teaching, and the quality of it, as well as the several classes she taught to sisters in the community. Yet, I could hardly believe that a mother of small children could run around in such a way, whilst take care of her family and home (which was spotless!). Teaching Qur'an multiple times a week is definitely taxing work, and with a baby around - it's double the effort and hard work!

Yet, I was inspired.

I was inspired at the way she *managed* and *balanced* raising her children with teaching the community. She would teach, recite, review and assist her student whilst the baby sat in her lap, smiling away and biting on some random object. Sometimes the baby would start to cry, yet with such calmness, her mother would start nursing her whilst simultaneously reciting the words of Allah. The baby would slowly doze off to sound of  melodious Qur'an. Her other children would get on with their work or their own Qur'an memorisation.

It was so amazing. I know for fact that there *are* so many more sisters out there who have mastered the art of balance. Who work tirelessly, who sacrifice, and who put there heart and soul into what they do without neglecting other rights and responsibilities. Who have not let cultural expectations and norms stop them from pursuing their other dreams, rather they have worked out a way to balance both.

I sometimes wonder, how such people do not burn themselves out, how do they get time for themselves and quality time with their children. When I asked, she replied that teaching her students was also a time for her to review her own hifdh and to recite the Qur'an. She always kept a day free to spend time with her children outside of home. At the same time, her baby was also being exposed constantly to the words of Allah, and so was becoming accustomed to it from a young age.

This is what it means to kill two birds with one stone! To achieve two or more ends with a single effort.

Sometimes. it's by renewing our intentions that we are able to plant multiple seeds at once. Sometimes, it's by shifting paradigms that we are able to reap not only one, but many fruits through the work we do. No doubt its difficult, but if there's a will, there is a way. This is what it means to dream big. As long as one is able to maintain a balance and is able to priorities when needed, then there's no harm in having one, two or more lofty aspirations in life. You can *strive* to be the best home-maker, and the best Qur'an teacher, or a nurse and a haafidha at the same time. Yes, it may take time, yes it will require sacrifice, and yes sometimes one may require more of your time and work than the other, but with Du'aa, effort and trust in Allah, even that which seems possible can become a beautiful and blessed reality.

Aim high. Work Hard. Dream limitlessly. Remember, when there is a will, there is a way.

May Allah preserve this sister and all of the hard workers out there. May Allah enable  us to become the best in whatever we choose to do in life, ameen.

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