
Saturday 13 June 2015

The Ingenious Save Button

So, I was sat in the library earlier today, calmly and enjoyably typing away my university notes (on the conditions of divorce to be precise).
I continued to type away for another good half an hour or so, until the time came for me to pack up and head off. Except, that instead of saving the document in which I had typed my notes in, I saved another one that I had opened at the same time, and ended up cancelling the one with the notes, thus losing aaall my work.
Okay, I admit, deep down, a sense of frustration sparked within me. In fact, I was annoyed at myself for being so clumsy. But at the same time, I told myself I had two choices. Either to winge and complain and question, or smile and say, 'QadrAllah..' and type the notes all up again. This time, Allah inspired me to choose the latter.
And you know what? It felt soo good. It felt good acknowledging that there was a purpose and wisdom behind something as small as this. It felt good thinking that Allah had done this for a reason, that there was some good in it, even though I couldn't perceive it right now.
Perhaps I hadn't retained the information well enough and Allah wanted me to type it all again so it absorbed into my memory and actually stuck. Perhaps I was being reminded not to be so clumsy next time and to consistently save my work. (Lesson learnt). Or perhaps even, Allah wanted to use the situation as a means to inspire me to write (which I'm currently doing now, although I do feel like I'm rambling on a bit).
The point is, we can learn a lesson from absolutely anything and everything we go through. We can earn rewards from simply changing perspectives and shifitng paradigms. We can find points of reflection from the most mundane of tasks. It's all a matter of thinking; and of constantly being in touch with the One in control. It's about learning to find answers and deriving wisdoms and gems from the experiences we find ourself in.
Even if we to look at the greater picture of life, and the circumstances we are in currently, or the experiences we go through in this world. At time, it can be very difficult to comprehend why things are happening the way they are. The worry, the fear, the apprehension, the confusion and the frustration seem to consume us in these moments. However, it's so important, and this is a reminder to myself first, that we have good thoughts of Allah throughout our life. That our hopes in Him are always high, and that we trust Him even in moments where we can't find answers to the questions hanging or where we can't pereceive any good. It's there. And although we may not see it now, we will see it later, whether now, shortly, some years down the line, or in the hereafter, where nothing will be hidden and all secrets will be revealed.
So stay positive and keep shining that smile. For your Lord is good and His plan is beautiful. smile emoticon

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