
Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Storm

When you are there, standing in the middle of a raging storm, you're unable to imagine a way out. All seems dark and eery and the worst possible thoughts begin to cross your mind. Your heart becomes engulfed with fear, your eyes begin to swell with the tears, your mind becomes clouded with worries and uncertainty, your body begins to shiver, you don't know which way to turn, where to seek shelter, how to continue walking. 

So you stand still. You close your eyes. With streams of tears falling down your face, you pray hard. You turn your face to the heavens. You breathe. You close your mind off all the negative thoughts. You let go and you let God...

And suddenly, the storm begins to calm. The darkness begins to fade away as the brightness of the sun appears from behind the grey clouds. You open your eyes, startled. Your heart begins to beat at its normal pace. You've found hope. Your witnessing a miracle. You have acknowledged your lack of control and allowed Him to take care of your affairs. You smile. And you begin to walk, with fatigued limbs and tired eyes you walk, and with each step you grow in hope and in strength. Your lips continue to move as your make sincere prayer, and your passion is reignited, you breathe in the fresh air of nature, and you set off again to continue the journey of chasing your dreams.

Because there is faith in the absence of control...

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