
Sunday 5 January 2014

Just Believe. [Poem]

You are a special diamond,
Being polished to become a glistening jewel.
You are a shining star,
A beacon of light for others to follow.
There is always a reason for what Allah decrees,
Wisdom behind everything,
It may be that you dislike something,
And it is good for you.
Or you like something,
And it is bad for you.
Do not despair, for Allah Knows.
That you are what you strove to be,
So let people say what they desire to speak,
For you are someone special in the Eyes of Allah,
A humble slave,
Clinging on to His faith,
Holding tight to the rope,
Even in times of insecurity,
That you have a huge family,
One Ummah, together as a unity,
Feeling your pain,
Supporting you all the way,
In their du’aas you are remembered,
Begging their Lord to grant you peace,
For He is the Most Merciful to those who show mercy.
That Allah is with you, in your life’s journey,
Never will He let you go,
You call upon Him and He will respond,
Now or in the Hereafter, you‘ll see the results,
Of your humble cries,
As you placed your forehead to the ground,
Hurting from deep inside.
So let your tears clear your vision,
And let the pain strengthen you,
Hold strong to your Imaan,
And never let go.
For you will one day see,
The delights and joy,
In Paradise,
For eternity.
Just Believe.

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