
Saturday 18 January 2014

~ Compilation of my recent FB statuses ~

No one was busier than the Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam), yet he made everyone feel special and fulfilled the rights of all. #AMercyToMankind


Glory be to Him, who favored us and protected us, who showered upon us His mercy and blessings, and who gave us the greatest gift anyone could ever receive - the gift of Islam.


The more technology is advancing, the more we are forgetting to 'live in the moment.' It's like our life revolves around the Internet, our mobile phones and our picture galleries. 

We see a beautiful view of the sun set or sunrise, and instead of pausing and marvelling at it's beauty, instead of using that moment as we drive past it to remember Al-Khaliq and praise Him, we on the contrary, pull our our phones, open up instagram, capture the view, add some effects and upload it not for us, but our friends and followers to see and look at. By the time we've done that, the moment has passed, that feeling of awe has too passed, that opportunity to ponder and reflect has also passed.

Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong in taking pictures of the sunset, this is just a personal example of how we don't 'live in the moment.' 

There are so many other better examples I could have given but the point here is, we forget to savour the moment. Every single moment, every 'over the table chit-chat' with our family, every spectacular view, every moment of celebration is precious and is treasured. In those moments, don't let technology distract you from the better things you could be doing right then.

This is a huge reminder to myself before any one of you. It kind of struck me today as I was on my way back from school and saw a beautiful view of the sky, this thought seeped into my mind and made me think.


Allah will give and give and give, and will not want anything in return. 
Put your trust in Al-Wahhaab <3


Sometimes Allah lands you in the most strangest of situations where nothing but good comes from it.


So my expensive Swarovski ring fell into the sink hole whilst I was making Wudhu. (Don't ask!)

Nevertheless, at that point I remembered a very beautiful quote that I had read many times before, but right then it was a perfect reminder...

"And verily for everything that a slave loses there is a substitute, but the one who loses Allah will never find anything to replace Him."

~ Ibn al-Qayyim


When the Prophets Uncle, Abu Taalib passed away, He, (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was extremely saddened. He was deeply pained by the death of his close family member, but more so by the fact that his uncle died a disbeliever. 

It goes to show that guidance is in the hands of Allah. Sometimes the light could be shining through, but a person refuses to look towards it. Our job is to show the path, whether the people walk upon it or not, is upto Allah (swt).

Thus, always plead to Allah for guidance and Istiqaamah.

"O the turner of hearts, turn our hearts towards the deen."


If the door ahead of you is still open, even a little bit, continue to walk towards it. When the door clasps shut, only then know that perhaps what you were heading towards wasn't good for you. Allah knows what was on the other side. That is the answer to your istikhaarah. 

Until then, keep walking towards your goal, and your aspirations, with a heart filled with complete reliance in Allah. He can make all your dreams come true. 


No dream is too big because absolutely nothing is impossible for Allah.


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