
Friday 29 April 2016

The Buddy Bench

I remember painting the buddy bench,
With my own two hands,
The teacher said it should be bright,
Like the colours of the rainbow.

The buddy bench was a unique bench,
Designed for victims,
Like me,
Who were bullied for their height, sensitivity
And sometimes, even ethnicity.

The buddy bench was for those,
Who had no one by their side,
Whose pain and hurt didn’t hide,
Nor did it subside.

The buddy bench was supposed to help assist,
Those bullied or hurt or abused,
It was supposed to be a place where you’d find,
People who wanted to comfort and console.

The buddy bench was where I’d retreat,
When the hurt from my ‘friends’,
Landed me in defeat.
It was the place I’d sit, 
Looking for a friend or an understanding soul,
Yet, they all laughed,
“Look at her, she’s all alone!

The buddy bench overtime, became rusted and old,
I stopped going,
Decided that suffering in silence,
Would make them think I was 
Brave and bold.

At least, even if I was a victim, no one would know,
The laughter would stop,
No longer would my helplessness show.

Because, the bullies never truly understood,
The pain they caused,
And so their hateful words,
Their name-calling, their threats,
Never paused.

But as I grew, as I blossomed,
As I became more aware,
I realised that God would not place me,
In a situation I couldn’t bear.
I become stronger, more faithful,
More confident in my skin,
I was determined not to let them win.

So I went to speak to someone in authority,
Who after discipling the bullies,
Arranged us tea parties -
If a month went by and no one had bullied.
We would all be invited,
To celebrate a victory.

Over time, I learnt,
To speak out, and not suffer in silence,
I learnt to forgive, to give them another chance,
I learnt that taking the first step, lies in our own hands,
I learnt that the buddy bench taught me that I was strong,
When so many were afraid to admit they had been wronged.

I learnt that so many bullies had been bullied themselves,
I learnt that scars fade but don’t truly mend.

But most importantly,
I learnt that God has a plan,
I learnt to find solace in Him, when all had turned their back
I learnt that ease would follow hardship,
I learnt that anyone could be a target,
Even if they look big and strong,
I learnt that never should bullying be tolerated,
Whatever the form,
And that the sunshine will always appear,

After the storm.

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