
Tuesday 18 November 2014

"Niqab? Never!" [Why you should never say never]

I was a girl, to put it bluntly, who really disliked the Niqab. When my mum first began wearing it, I was a bit unsure about her decision. When I saw girls who had it on, I would instantly think that they were forced to wear it or had to wear it for Madrassah or as part of their uniform. Niqab just wasn't for me. I felt it was extreme, that it was taking Hijab on another level. That it was something more culturally influenced than islamic.

It was only after my Umrah trip that my thoughts changed. When I was there, I was literally surrounded by Niqabis, everywhere! The fact that it was extremely hot didn't bother them a bit and I was amazed at how they did it. I felt like I was missing out on something great, these sisters seemed so relaxed, so confident, so proud to be wearing it, and I really admired them. In fact, as most people say, Saudi is one place where you just feel the need to cover your face - and so I tried it and fell in love with it.

Niqab in Saudi was easy. And I know many sisters believe that it's harder in the UK, which is somewhat true. However, it's all about how you handle it. Since wearing the Niqab, I feel so free, so liberated. I feel like a queen. :D It feels amazing to know that I can walk the streets and no man can have the opportunity or right to stare at me.

OK, I admit I do get stares from non-muslims who find it shocking that I could cover my face in this heat, but wallahi it only makes you stronger and it only gets them to reflect on an individuals motive behind wearing the veil.

My point is, sisters who are thinking of wearing the Niqab, but are in doubt, or are receiving negative advice about it...just go with what your heart inclines towards. My heart felt uncomfortable going out without something covering my face,  Even if you try wearing it for a period of time - go ahead. There's no harm in trying :) and if it does get difficult, there's always an option of taking it off.
SubhanAllah, it's amazing how your thoughts and perceptions of things can change.

May Allah, the Turner of hearts, keep our hearts firm on His religion.

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