
Monday 24 November 2014

A Familiar Soul

Thought I'd share this mini post I came across. Found it very beautiful. :)

She fell in love with his smile, which covered up his flaws. His kindness struck her like a sweet fragrance, and his generosity pulled her from the depths of her shadows. He was different to the hardened souls she'd encountered, wrapped in their self-righteousness and harsh ways. He was a stark contrast from the ones that sought to control, stuck on the cover of their novel, unable to turn the page and appreciate that the world was far from black and white.
He was colourful, considerate like the rainbow, appreciating her shades of complexion, rather than living in the fake photoshopped age.
His piety was reflected in more than his words, it went deeper, and in turn, touched her heart.

(Written by Sr Alima Ashfaq)

She had come across many people before, but no one was quite like this soul. There was a sudden connection, like she knew them from another world. It was so casual, so normal she thought, for them to be in her life. Its like they were never not there, never not part of her journey. With that, she invoked her Lord, asking for good in this world and the next, and she decided to practice patience, until her Lord would unite her heart with theirs. 

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