
Friday 14 December 2012

An Inborn Call

“Colours upon this canvas”

I sat on the warm grass,
relishing the beautiful sight.
The Sun was at its setting,
And the sky was filled with illuminating colours
, so right;
Of purples and pale greens,
Blurred in with a sensational red,
Glistening with a splash of orange,
which made the sky brighten up before me,
I could sit and stare at the view all day!
Colours upon this canvas - a picturesque scene,
such a delight to my tired eyes.

Something about it filled my heart with fear,
something about it filled my heart with awe,
an indescribable feeling of luminosity,
Questions began to cloud my mind -
there must be a Creator of such detail and complexity?
I knew that deep within I had ignored a huge sign,
what was once surreal began to feel real again,
and I felt in awe of the God I had denied!

A moment it
was. A moment I won’t forget,
I had not prayed, or bowed nor had I prostrated!
To the one who Created this embellished sight –
and the sights
of humans, birds
and the whole of mankind.
Returning to him,
Was like returning home

A Lord I may not see -
But his signs are evident before me!

What a beautiful world; I thought to myself,
How intricately proportioned –
Elegantly designed!
Precise and perfect,
Flawless as the sky,
The mountains as pegs,
The moons radiance beautifully shines,
My own eyes, heart and legs,
Is a sign within itself,
Of the Creator of the 7 heavens -
And beyond; my mind cannot comprehend!
The vastness of the earth,
And the unimaginable place,
No eye has ever seen nor has any heart perceived,
Absolutely free from inaccuracies -
The design of my Lord,

Whose free from any culpabilities,
May He make us amongst those who reflect on his Signs -
That manifest His greatness, His strength and His sovereignty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salaam...oh my aloo...this is my FAVOURITE poem...I just love it loads!!

Masha'Allah, it's oozing with awesomeness!
Hope you Insha'Allah grow up to be an estipendo-fied poet..
