
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Snow, Sniffles and Anti-Socialness

Because I love the softness of snow!
Taken with my S4 :)


I'm currently snowed in, feeling quite under the weather, and have nothing better to do right now (besides lay in my blanket for hours on end with a horrible feeling of guilt because I simply dislike being mundane and wasting time), therefore, I decided to visit my blog and simply, rant. Yeah yeah, I know you're probably not used to my rants and randomness, since most of my posts are so formal and serious and spiritual (you get it). Buttt, I guess I do have a pretty spontaneous side to me too, most of the time, its my family who get to witness that side of me, (duh - because they like spend the most time with me). Anyways, you get the score.

I thought I'd post an update on what I've been up to lately, and how I'm progressing with my dreams and stuff. First of all, I've began voluntary work (woop), after eventually giving in to my mums constant persuasion of how I should get off my bum, get out the house, and DO SOMETHING. You see, I'm an outgoing introvert, which means, I kind of like time to myself. Hence, studying a degree online, reading books whilst sipping a hot cuppa, writing and doing all the other fun stuff at home, is my definition of working. Even though many think I sit on my bum all day, thats not entirely true. Online uni requires ALOT more effort, thought and discipline. So, in my opinion, its also more the workload!

Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, volunteering. So I've started volunteering at my old primary school, since its the closest to my place. So far, its exceptionally enjoyable! Apart from the fact that I come home everyday wanting to lock all the doors and windows and spend time by myself just zoning down. (Its what all introverts too). On a serious note, its better than I expected. I mean, its also very good experience. Since I was 12, I've attended two all-girls schools, so actually working in an environment where there's men too has been quite a big change for me, but I think I've handled it well. I just be myself. Talk to them when necessary and just focus on the important stuff. On the plus side, the teacher I assist is a female, so it makes it a millions times better (and she's super cool too). But like everything, you're going to find a challenge somewhere, and I guess the most challenging issue for me, is the naughty kids. Sigh, I wish they'd listen. I LOVE children, and am really into child psychology, and good parenting, so when I see kids misbehave or show a lack of manners towards their elders and teachers, it makes me so upset. (I'm sensitive like that you know!). Some kids in class are so bright, I just want to hug them for their amazing manners (but of course I can't cos I'd get done for it!), but, then there's others who disrupt the other kids and it really effects their learning and behaviour. Poor bright kids. The more I experience working a school, the more homeschooling appeals to me. I wish parents understood, that learning begins at HOME. Yes, you don't just throw a child into a school without having taught them simple, basic manners and the etiquette of seeking knowledge and respecting teachers. Ahh, I could go and on on, but I don't want this to turn into a parenting post (again). 

Secondly, I'm on study breaaaak. I guess thats the most exciting update thus far. Can you believe it, I didn't even know I had a month off? So when I found out (literally whilst I was sitting my exams), I was thrilled. Alhamdililah, my exams went well (I passed them all!), and so I decided that I need to utilise this break by getting back on track with my Arabic and Tafseer studies, inshaAllah. Oh, how I missed Arabic studies. Arabic with Husna rocks and so does little Husna herself, she's little inspiration. May Allah preserve her and her awesome family.

Ok, so i just realised, my title totally does not match up with what I've written so far. HAHA. I always do this. See, I told you I was going to rant, and ramble. 

So, the snow. It actually snowed so much today. I came back from work feeling totally exhausted and just flopped onto the sofa. Now, I'm sniffling like mad with a runny nose and a jam-packed mind. When I feel unwell, my mind just goes crazy with thoughts (my family always notice this), so I talk a lot about different things, and feel like writing loads (hence the post). Its like my way of dealing with a sniffling nose, hot and cold temperature and a sore throat. I assure you, I am not some mad woman, Alhamdulilah! Writing is just a way of de stressing-and getting my mind off other things ( like sniffling noses and - ok, ok, you get it.)

What else? Oh yes, about my anti-socialness. So, basically, I decided to take a hiatus from Facebook (say what?). Don't worry, I suprised myself too, since I don't take a break from FB even for exams! You see, Facebook is one of the ways an introvert can socialise. I'm not saying I don't have friends outside of FB, Alhamdulilah, I do, but when your snowed in, and especially in winter, its difficult to meet up with people often, so FB becomes an alternative. And of course, not to forget that my dearest Riyadh-ians (i.e- my super, awesome, beloved friends who live oceans and seas apart from meee) are on FB so its my way of keeping in touch and connected with them, whilst I sit in snowy Brrrradford. (See what I did there). Now, to get to the point, I decided to take a break from posting or checking FB for a couple of days, because I believe that sometimes you have to disconnect to connect. Plus, it gives one a chance to reflect and purify intentions (since Satan is always at work), he knows to get you at those very things you yourself know your weak at (like FB addictions). So far, its going well - Alhamdulilah (All praise is due to God). :) Checked FB once this morning (gave myself 10 mins to quickly scroll through my newsfeed), and have managed not to log into the app all day today. I can already see the benefits. Such as using up the time doing something better (although today, due to me feeling unwell, I haven't had the most productive day), but my body is an Amanah (trust) too, so I've got to take care and try to rest up in order to store energy inshaAllah. Generally, it feels good that I don't keep checking my news feed every 2 seconds, and hopefully inshaAllah (if God wills), I'll be able to cut down on the constant checking and actually use it wisely. (Takes practice!)

Anything else I haven't ranted about? I think that's it really. Oh before I forget, my dreeeaaaams. Yes, they're still there, still in my head, roaming around, and I'm still taking steps towards them, and trying to always keep hopeful by reminding myself that good things come to those who wait, and that one needs to have a little patience and keep making Du'aa. Oh, how I love Du'aa (supplication). <3

Actually, Duaa just reminded me of a really awesome group of people I'm currently assisting on a project. The helpers. :) May Allah preserve them all. They're like so generous when it comes to Du'aas and helping others (hence the name!). 

Ok, I think this post is getting a tad bit long now. Better get back to Arabic and hopefully Pizzas for dinner today! (LOVE MY GRANDAD and his treats).

Take care pe-ople. ;)

Salaams (Peace).

1 comment:

Ruffii said...

I had a great laugh while reading and imagining yu saying. Haha!
Such a beautiful way of ranting out MashaAllah which brings forth numerous lessons to learn from. 💟
Okay now I shall stop :P
Lots of love.