
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Keep chasing your dreams...

Keep chasing your dreams. One day you will reach them, embrace them and smile because it was all worth it.  (InshaAllah!)


If there was no change in this world, no people exiting, no people entering... what would be the point of Jannah? Allah reminds over and over agin that it will be *eternal* happiness, He does that for a reason. Because unlike this dunya, you won't have to part from your friends, you won't have memories, you'll create them over and over again, you won't have to feel the pain of separation, or the loss of a loved one, you won't have the feeling of nostalgia, you won't feel sad when circumstance change... because you look forward to a place where if you wish to, you can live in a moment, forever.


'wa huwa ma'akum, ayna maa kuntum'
"..and He is with you wherever you are."

In Arabic, there are many ways to someone is with someone else, such as 'Huwa bi Jaanibikum' or 'Huwa Saahibukum'. Yet, Allah chooses to use 'wa huwa ma'akum'

The word 'ma'eeya' here is used when someone is there to support you. When Abu Bakr and Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) were in the cave, hiding from the enemies, the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) used this same term. To reassure his companion that don't worry, Allah is with us, .there for us and will support us. SubhanaAllah, the beauty and precision of the Qur'an. 


Allah sends certain people into your life, so that they can be your travel companion as you journey on the road called Life. This person may be miles and miles apart, across oceans and seas, beyond mountains and lands, yet Allah unites your hearts by this gift of Islam. There may be some you haven't met in person, yet one conversation with them instantly revealed some similarities, a close bond, like you knew each other from years before, and will know each other forever. (bi'ithnillah).

What is this? It is a miracle. Yes, A beautiful Sign from Allah. Your friendship reflects Allah's attribute Al-Wadud, the Loving, the one who placed that love in your heart for your sister.

"And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge." [30:22]


Maybe it's not meant to be because there is something else waiting for you. Something better, more amazing, more valuable to Allah than the other thing you longed for.

Be positive. Allah is what His slave expects of Him.
Expect good things to happen to you, you won't be disappointed. :)


Got sent this today by a friend. It was a beautiful reminder. 

"...And I just want to tell you all how unbelievable it's been, so that you know, esp my single sisters,..know that Allah has a definite plan for you, even though we don't see it right now, it will take it's course and things will come your way in the best possible manner, at the best possible time. Miracles WILL happen, I don't say it without reason, Allah will make things so easy that you'll sit and wonder how amazingly everything just played out in your favor, subhanAllah, for all the pain, for all the worry, for the reprimanding from family and others for being single, a time will come for you and nobody can delay that time or prepone it. Allah in His infinite Wisdom, will choose such a time and everything will fall in place. Because that is YOUR time, that is the time that Allah knows you're prepared, and everything else about that time is what is good and perfect for you. That is why is not here yet, and you shouldn't worry or feel apprehensive.

Only a little bit of patience and keeping hope will get you through any apprehension or pain that you might be going through."


When we look at the world today, when we reflect over the situation of the Muslims who are being killed; when we read about the bloodshed, the evil and the tyranny - our hearts ache more for Jannah. 

A place where there will be no darkness but only happiness. 

Today, the sun shines bright over our cities, yet over others, there is dullness and a dark cloud. 

But... In Jannah, the light of Allah will shine over all inhabitants, those who were poor in this world, those who were wronged, those who were oppressed, those who cried in the depths of the night and those who prostrated. 

O people, remind yourself of your eternal home and let your heart ache to be there. Let your actions prove your desire to reach the highest of heavens - Al-Firdaus Al 'Alaa.


Think good thoughts of Allah, and He will do good to you. <3


Justice always prevails.
That is the Sunnah of Allah.


Alhamdulilah for Jannah, where there will be no pain, no suffering, no poverty, no illness, no oppression, no tyranny, no bloodshed, no starving children, no widows, no orphans, no fear, no jealousy and no evil.

Just happiness, smiles, laughter, joy, love, mercy, peace, tranquility, good health, good news and anything and everything your heart desires.

Happiness is Jannah. 

Ya Rabb, build for us all palaces in the highest Paradise. Ameen.


Poorly days remind us to appreciate those days when we are in good health. 

If you are amongst those Allah has blessed with health, then do Shukr and use this gift in doing things to please Him. 

There may come days when walking up the stairs to make wudhu is a struggle, when praying your Salaah is a challenge because your body feels so weak, only then would we appreciate the blessing of health, the blessing of having energy and strength which comes from Allah alone.

O Allah, I ask you to bless us with good health always and allow us to utilise it for your sake. Ameen.


"The one who is scared of climbing mountains will always live on lower grounds"


Intentions are the root of the flower. If the root is dead, the flower won't grow. If your intention if for other than Allah, you won't reap the rewards; you will be like a dead root unable to grow something beautiful.

Innamal 'Amaalu Bin Niyaa - 'Verily, actions are but by intentions.'

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