
Tuesday 17 December 2013

::: 3 Goals to becoming a better Muslim :::

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,

Have you ever had those moments where you've literally just stumbled across a talk on YouTube - a talk you never planned to watch, it was just there, looked interesting enough and so you decided to click on the link, and then suddenly it becomes one of the best and most practical talks you've listened to in a while?

A reminder that gives you this incredible boost in your Imaan and you're like listening to the talk and simultaneously ripping out pages from a random notebook so you can get all the speakers words down before the talk ends! (ok, maybe it's just me who does that  lol) But yeah, I can excitedly say I had one of those moments today. :)

The talk was delivered by Ustaadh Nouman Ali Khan, and I wasn't planning to listen to him, I was just scrolling down my YT recommended list and then this talk caught my eye, so I played it and Alhamdulilah, I can definitely say it was a well worth eleven minutes of my life. It gave me complete practical tips and exactly what I needed to hear after spending the last several days wrapped up in a blanket, whilst just resting - which I guess I needed to do and shouldn't feel so bad for doing - but still, I promised myself that I'd be extra productive once I get my health back, bi'ithnillah. So this reminder definitely came at the right time.

Here's the link for the talk:

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