
Friday 8 November 2013

~ A Beautiful Ending ~

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,

A sister came over to our house day and I was inspired by her story and I wanted to share it with you all. 

She began by telling us about how she lost her mother a year ago. Both her mother and father used to try their best to travel to Makkah and Madinah every year, her father having been 23 times and her mother 21 times. She was telling us how her father was such a giving person, a man whose heart was attached to the masjid, he never withheld and was the first one to give in the path of Allah. Even after he passed away, her and her siblings would find that he had paid for their local masaajid to be carpeted before he died. He was given the honour of reciting the words of the shahadah at the time his soul was leaving his body. He died on the day of Jumu'ah.

Her mother was also granted an equally beautiful death. It was her 21st Umrah and she was in the blessed land of Makkah, just as she went to make her ablution, she came back and the Angel of death was waiting to take her soul. This was also on the day of Jum'uah. She was buried just ten minutes away from the haram and her funeral was read at the feet of the Kaab'ah with thousands praying for her. This sister was telling us how she was grieving for a good ten months, both her parents had passed away and she was losing herself, she was drowning in sorrow. She recently came back from Umrah in July and said that this was the first time after her mother passed away that her heart finally felt at peace. After visiting her mum at the graveyard in Makkah, her heart felt content that her mum was in a better place. She just felt it, that beneath that soil were resting people of Jannah...and Allah knows best.

What served as a beautiful reminder was when she told us about the character of her mother."'People always ask me…" she said, about my mother... what was it about her that Allah gave her such a beautiful ending?"

"My mother was a simple woman.." she said. She was a woman who was always obedient to her husband." "People say to me, did she wear Niqab etc?" "I would answer, no, she was a simple lady - it's not about what's outward but it's about your Taqwa."

And that's just it. It's not about your beginning but your ending. It's not about how you live, but how you die. It's not about what people know you for, it's about what's in your heart. It's not about your status in this dunya, but your rank in the sight of Allah. It's not about anything...but your Taqwa.

May Allah grant us beautiful endings with the shahadah as our final words. Allahumm Ameen.

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