
Saturday 13 July 2013

Ponder O Man!

Ever stopped for a moment - and looked at your surroundings?

To the sky and how perfectly it is raised. As a canopy, protecting you and I. 
It carries the clouds that look like fluffy, cotton wool, peacefully and sowly moving along. 
Each a unique shape and size.

The humming of the birds as they pass by. Free, calm, without a care in the world. 
They praise their Lord at sunrise - chirping words of glory, words of praise, words so beautiful to the ear. 

What about the plants which emerge from the spiked up green grass. 
Pink, purple, yellow - a rainbow of colours sprouting from within the soil.

Have you ever paused to admire the trees? 
As they sway from side to side. 
Their strong bark, rigid and firm, deeply rooted in the ground. Details so intricately carved into the trunk - like tiny pathways never ending.

The green leaves hang off the stick like branches. Like a fountain that let's it water flow freely.

The shining lamp in the serene sky. 
So bright, illuminating and giving heat to our cold frivel bodies.

The wind - invisible to the eye, yet so powerful with the ability to destroy a nation, a community, by His leave, just like it destroyed the nations of those who indulged in sin and dishonesty.

Ripe fruits of various colours, tastes and smells. Some round, square and others small and others big.
Pebbles, rocks and stones clashing against the rocky shore, turning into tiny particles, forming a golden sand.

The swishing of the waves and it's roaring in the midst of the thunderous storm,  sending fear into our hearts.

Tiny droplets of mercy raining down from the sky. A time of acceptance - a time to raise your hands and supplicate.

Ponder O man, over the creation of Al-Khaliq. Ponder O man and feel your imaan soar high. Ponder O man for you are surrounded with beauty, if only you opened your eyes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant poem masha'Allah..and how perfect are these two lines:
'To the sky and how perfectly it is raised. As a canopy, protecting you and I.'
'Tiny droplets of mercy raining down from the sky.'