To let go of that which you loved,
That which you chased, which you admired,
That which filled the emptiness inside your heart,
That thing you longed, you yearned to have,
The void within your soul -
Felt completed with you.
But the loss of separation pained me more.
I realised that truly you do not deserve,
A place within my heart which is only reserved for God,
A place no individual, no possession, no desire could ever fill,
Without one day leaving, causing heart ache and heart break,
The hole within me could only be filled by the one who Created it,
No love can seep its way through,
Without causing me destruction,
Cos only the love of God is fit for this empty space.
My heart longed that which would one day die,
Whether that was money, fame, popularity, or that guy,
Soon, there is an ending to that which is in this fleeting world,
You live, you die, and then you're resurrected back to life,
Whereas -
God never dies.
So chasing after something,
Which one day will leave this world,
Is like chasing an illusion,
Which looks appealing, but will one day disappear,
When reality strikes.
So let nothing complete you except your yearning for God,
Your yearning to attain His love,
His forgiveness,
His reward.
Because then, there will be no separation,
No broken heart.
Because you'll be yearning for something,
That will never perish,
That is Allah.
So stop. Just stop chasing the world,
And rush to the one who Created it.
Who gave you gifts, bounties and blessings,
No other being could ever grant,
And when you feel empty,
Remember His divine words,
"Indeed in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest."
It is only then that you feel whole again.